NCIDQ Certificate Renewal
Use the NCIDQ appellation to display your professionalism, expertise, and commitment
Examples of how to use the NCIDQ appellation:
Represent your skills with a NCIDQ digital badge
Be included in a searchable public directory of NCIDQ Certified Interior Designers available to prospective clients
Have your verified information provided to any regulatory board you wish
Be eligible for CIDQ leadership opportunities
Support the ongoing development and integrity of the NCIDQ Examination
Promote the respected NCIDQ Certification that distinguishes you as a highly qualified interior designer
Educate the public and legislators about the health, safety, and welfare impact of interior design and the importance of the NCIDQ Exam
Launch remote proctoring, providing candidates the option of taking the IDFX and IDPX exams in a convenient location
Develop new tools and resources (like videos, infographics, and collateral material) that better explain the nature, value, and importance of the NCIDQ Exam and the interior design profession
Create a comprehensive candidate handbook with all one needs to know and understand while on their NCIDQ journey
Participate in dialogues within and beyond the interior design and credentialing community that support licensure and the legal recognition of the profession for certification and model legislation, as well as the public’s benefit
Create an online portal through which active certificate holders’ exam results, educational transcripts, and documented work experience are accessible to member boards
Complete a Practice Analysis to identify current knowledge and skills that define a competent professional in interior design
Conduct an item bank audit that provided insight, and allows us to continue to build and strengthen the exams
Offer the NCIDQ Exam globally on an annual basis
Provide candidates with immediate preliminary scoring for the IDFX and IDPX exams rather than waiting 6-8 weeks for results
To remain “ACTIVE”, an individual’s NCIDQ Certificate must be renewed annually for $85 (non-refundable).
Renewal payments are due annually in APRIL or OCTOBER depending upon the holder’s expiration date.
Late renewal payments cannot be prorated; the full annual renewal amount is required to be paid, regardless of month paid.
Renewals made after the 30-day grace period are subject to an added reinstatement fee of $85.
Certificate holders whose status has become inactive due to a lapse in renewal will lose benefits and are required to pay a reinstatement fee along with the annual renewal fee to reactivate their status.
Renewal notifications are sent to the current email address listed in a certificate holder's MyNCIDQ account.
CIDQ is not responsible for misdirected or unopened email. To ensure receipt of these important notifications, CIDQ recommends using a personal email address to which the NCIDQ certificate holder will have consistent access and on which the certificate holder can manage filters and permissions for email delivery.
Pay the Annual Certificate Renewal fee to remain active, agreeing to the NCIDQ Appellation Agreement's Terms and Conditions, which include the Code of Ethics and completing 5 hours of Health, Safety, Welfare-focused continuing education each year.
Failure to pay annual certificate renewal fee will result in no longer being able to use the NCIDQ appellation; being listed as inactive in the searchable public directory; and no longer having your verified information provided to regulatory boards. Reinstatement to active status will require paying a reinstatement fee.
NCIDQ Certificate holders who are licensed, certified, or registered in a regulated state/province must meet continuing education requirements with their state/provincial regulatory board which automatically satisfies CIDQ's continuing education requirement.
NCIDQ Certificate holders who are not registered with a state or provincial regulatory board, and/or who live in an unregulated jurisdiction must complete 5 hours of Health, Safety, Welfare (HSW)-focused Continuing Education each year* and attest to this at the time of annual renewal to remain active.
If you need HSW-focused continuing education hours you can go to IDCEC and select from their list of available programming.
*To ensure compliance, CIDQ will conduct random audits to verify continuing education hour requirements.

Need a Replacement or Additional NCIDQ Certificate?
Log in to your MyNCIDQ account.
Click Applications, then Renewal Applications.
At the bottom of the page you will see NCIDQ Replacement Certificate.
Order your replacement certificate for $35.