In 2024, CIDQ embarked on a Practice Analysis study, which is typically conducted every 5 years. This study identifies the current duties and tasks performed by interior designers along with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform those tasks.
A group of subject matter experts (NCIDQ Certificate holders) met to identify the tasks and related KSAs. Subsequently, a survey was distributed to all NCIDQ Certificate holders, candidates in the application pipeline, and members of the various membership organizations to validate the identified tasks and KSAs.
The survey results helped to provide the foundation for the content that will be covered on exams beginning in 2026. The changes that will occur are as follows:
Each exam section will cover two design phases.
Each exam will include all different item types (multiple choice, drag & place; fill in the blank & hot spot & vignettes (3-5 questions)).
Each exam section will be based on IBC 2021 and related ICC A117.1 Accessibility Code 2017.
The IDFX exam will cover the programming and conceptual design, and schematic design phases.
The IDPX exam will cover the construction administration and project management phases.
The Practicum exam will be changed to the IDIX (Interior Design Implementation Exam) as that exam will cover the tasks associated with the design development and construction documentation phases of design.
The Practicum/IDIX exam will no longer have 3 case studies included on the exam.
The number of exam questions and allotted time for each exam is listed in the table below.

The new exam blueprints provide the content outline of what will be covered on the exams beginning in 2026.