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President's Message
Q2 Report from CIDQ President

As we embark on the second quarter of 2024, I want to take a brief moment to share some of the exciting value developments underway at CIDQ!


Many of you are aware of the recent launch of our new digital badging platform. CIDQ continues to investigate and identify new areas of opportunity for our certificate holders. Through these efforts, we have embarked on a new digital badging program via Credly that supports, elevates, validates, and communicates to the general public the significance of the NCIDQ credential. This digital badge can be proudly displayed in content marketing, through your social media, and other various electronic platforms to continue to communicate your unique qualifications as an NCIDQ Certificate holder. So, what exactly does your digital badge do for you? Take a look at our program description and FAQs.

Erin Jennings NCIDQ digital badge.png

This is just one example of how CIDQ continues to improve and enhance the value of the NCIDQ Certificate. As we continue to prepare and celebrate our organization’s 50th anniversary year, our staff, Board of Directors, ambassadors, and countless volunteers uphold the mission of this organization. We will continue to celebrate, grow, and innovate during this milestone year, so stay tuned for more video content sharing testimonials and stories to commemorate!


And to all of our candidates who are currently in the process of preparing for the next exam administration or to those of you who are thinking about becoming a potential NCIDQ candidate, you are one step closer to achieving your goal of becoming a certificate holder. Congratulations for recognizing and acknowledging the value of the NCIDQ, and what this value means as we continue to elevate the profession and protect the public in all we do.


Cheers to a successful Q2! Be well and wishing you all the best –


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